When I was a caregiver my son was 9 years old at the time.  Between my work responsibilities and my caregiving responsibilities, I was being pulled in many different directions.  I had less time to focus on him.  It was easy for me to think that the stress of caregiving and its impact on our family would have a negative effect on him.

I think we underestimate the importance of the example that we set for our children when they see us caring for our loved ones.

Here’s a link to a brief story about a 12-year old who’s seen care-giving up close for much of this life.  It’s entitled, “A Kids-Eye View of Alzheimer’s”.

P.S.  Most of the newer long-term care insurance policies today are designed to be able to pay family members to care for each other.  Contact me if you’d like more information about that type of LTC policy:  1.877.582.7761.